Amazing Grace is one of those beloved songs that should be on the repertoires of all guitarists. Composed of only 4 simple open guitar chords: G Major, C Major, D Major, and E Minor, this song is one of the most recognizable in the world. Though there are many other ways you can play this song, I would encourage you to learn this one.
Amazing Grace Guitar Chords

As you can see above, the chords for ‘Amazing Grace’ are G major, C major, D major, and E minor. Since all these 4 chords are open chords, it requires minimal finger movements and is very easy to switch between chords.
The Strumming Pattern

The strumming pattern for ‘Amazing Grace’ goes as D-DU-DU. It is in 3/4 time signature and very easy to play. Do refer to the video below mentioned above for a visual representation.
Amazing Grace Guitar Chords with Lyrics
Hymn – Amazing Grace
Written By – John Newton, 1779
Chords – G-C-D-Em
Strumming – D-DU-DU
Key – G
[Verse – 1]
Am[G]azing Grace! How [C]sweet the [G]sound,
That [G]saved a wretch like [D]me!
I [G]once was lost, but [C]now am [G]found;
Was [Em]blind, but [D]now I [G]see.
[Verse – 2]
‘T[G]was grace that taught my [C]heart to [G]fear,
And [G]grace my fears re[D]lieved;
How [G]precious did that [C]grace ap[G]pear
The [Em]hour I [D]first be[G]lieved!
[Verse – 3]
[G]Through many dangers, [C]toils, and [G]snares,
I [G]have already [D]come;
‘Tis [G]grace hath brought me [C]safe thus [G]far,
And [Em]grace will [D]lead me [G]home.
[Verse – 4]
The [G]Lord has promised [C]good to [G]me,
His [G]Word my hope [D]secures;
He [G]will my Shield and [C]Portion [G]be,
As [Em]long as [D]life [G]endures.
[Verse – 5]
Yea, [G]when this flesh and [C]heart shall [G]fail,
And [G]mortal life shall [D]cease,
I [G]shall pos[G]sess, wi[C]thin the [G]veil,
A [Em]life of [D]joy and [G]peace.
[Verse – 6]
The [G]earth shall soon di[C]ssolve like [G]snow,
The [G]sun forbear to [D]shine;
But [G]God, Who called me [C]here be[G]low,
Shall [Em]be fo[D]rever [G]mine.
[Verse – 7]
When [G]we’ve been there ten [C]thousand [G]years,
Bright [G]shining as the [D]sun,
We’ve [G]no less days to [C]sing God’s [G]praise
Than [Em]when we’d [D]first be[G]gun.
[Verse – 1]
A[G]mazing Grace! How [C]sweet the [G]sound,
That [G]saved a wretch like [D]me!
I [G]once was lost, but [C]now am [G]found;
Was [Em]blind, but [D]now I [G]see.